About Us

About Us

"Shivaz MKTech Pvt. Ltd. (SHIMPL)" is a multi-dimensional technology based organisation - which primarily promotes research, innovation and highly career-oriented training in the field of embedded systems, electronic design & automation, and Internet of Things (IoT). This organization also deals with electronics product development as well as project consultancy in the above-mentioned fields at both institutional and industrial levels.

Why Choose Us?

  • We are highly committed to train interested candidates so that they can build their career in the above fields.
  • We help students explore the vast world of electronics and IoT so as to kindle in them, the fire for innovation and research in these domains.
  • We have a Fully instructor led classroom and online training programmes.
  • Training will be fully hardware oriented where students will test their concepts by implementing them practically.
  • Access to quality resources for students to work with.
  • An ever-expanding syllabus which will be constantly updated with more modern trends in technology so as to provide limitless technical knowledge to candidates.
  • Complete assistance in projects or research papers/journals that the candidates wish to develop or publish.
  • We provide awareness regarding the market and job opportunities in this field thereby clearing their minds of fallacies or misconceptions (if any) about these fields.
  • This isn't an institute where candidates expect to dump some cash and walk out with a certificate without the proper knowledge and industrial readiness because we don't want to destroy the candidate's future by doing so.
  • Highly enthusiastic students with excellent research and logical abilities may also be offered a job in this company with a lucrative salary.
  • Last but not the least, we deliver what we promise.