Diploma in Embedded Systems and Internet of Things (IoT)

Diploma in Embedded Systems and Internet of Things (IoT)


This course encompasses the fundamentals of embedded systems (basic microcontrollers, protocols and sensors) as well as dealing with the interface of various peripherals which will be needed to exchange data wirelessly between multiple devices and with the internet. This will include studying of different communication and internet protocols related to IoT and how to implement them on microcontrollers. It also involves working with different cloud based IoT platforms and how to make embedded devices exchange and monitor data, control other devices and how to store and manipulate data over these platforms. All of these topics will strengthen the foundation in the field of embedded systems and IoT, which happens to be a modern technology utilized in various industries to make products.

Course Duration
  • 5 to 6 months
  • All engineering students (B.E / B.Tech / M.E / M.Tech – EEE, ECE, CSE)
  • Reasonable to very good knowledge in C programming concepts
  • Basic knowledge of digital electronics and electronic components
  • Strong theoretical background on embedded systems and SDLC
Course Difficulty
  • Beginner to Intermediate
Basic Theory:
  • C Programming Concepts (Brush – Up)
  • Overview of Embedded Systems
  • Pros & Cons of Embedded Systems
  • Microprocessors vs Microcontrollers
  • Microcontroller Architecture
  • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Embedded Systems vs SoC vs SoM
Fundamental Microcontrollers:
  • Atmel AVR ATMEGA32 (Basic 8 – Bit AVR MCU)
  • Microchip PIC18F4580 (Advanced 8 – Bit PIC MCU)
  • NXP Semiconductors LPC2148 (Basic 32 – Bit ARM-7 MCU)
  • Arduino Uno / Mega 2560 / Nano (Common 8 – Bit Prototyping Platform)
Embedded Concepts & Protocols:
  • General Purpose Input Output (GPIO)
  • Asynchronous Serial Communication (UART)
  • Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)
  • Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)
  • Timers & Counters along with Analog Comparator
  • Compare Match and Input Capture Events
  • Watch-Dog Timer (WDT)
  • Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
  • Low – Power Mode Operations
  • Non – Volatile Storage (NVS)
  • Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
  • Inter Integrated Circuit (I2C)
  • MODBUS Communication Protocol
  • RS232 & RS485 Protocols
  • External / Peripheral Interrupts
Basic Peripherals:
  • LED's, RGB LED's & Push-Buttons / DIP-Switches
  • Piezoelectric Buzzer & +5V SPDT Relay
  • 7 Segment Display (CC / CA with and without SN7448 / SN7447 Driver IC's)
  • 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor with ULN2003A Driver IC
  • SG90 Servo Motor (with and without position control)
  • +5V / +9V / +12V DC Motor with L293D / L298N Motor Driver IC
  • 4 x 4 Keypad (Button & Touch Types)
  • Digital & Analog Joysticks
  • 16 x 2 Alphanumeric LCD with and without PCF8574 GPIO Expander
  • 128 x 64 Graphical LCD (KS0108 & ST7920)
  • Nokia 5110 Graphical LCD & SSD1306 Graphical OLED
  • 8 x 8 Dot Matix Display with and without MAX7219 Driver IC
  • Real Time Clock (RTC), External EEPROM & NOR Flash Memory
Sensor Interfacing:
  • LDR Sensor & IR Obstacle Sensor
  • Ultrasonic Sensor & PIR Motion Sensor
  • Flex Sensor & Touch Sensor
  • Temperature, Pressure & Humidity Sensors
  • Analog pH Sensor & Soil Moisture Sensor
  • Raindrop Sensor & Alcohol Sensor
  • Colour Sensor & UV Light Sensor
  • Current Sensor & Hall Effect Sensor
  • VOC Sensor & CO2 MODBUS Sensor
  • Noise Sensor & Vibration Sensor
  • Tilt Sensor & Rotary Encoder
  • 3D Accelerometer & Magnetometer
  • Cantilever Load Cell with HX711 Sensor
Wireless Peripherals:
  • Introduction to Wireless Communication
  • Wireless Communication Protocols
  • ESP8266-01 AI Thinker Wi-Fi Module
  • HC05 / HC06 Classic Bluetooth Modules
  • HM10 Bluetooth Low Energy 4.0 Modules
  • MT8870 DTMF Decoder Module
  • NEC IR Remote with TSOP1838 IR Receiver Module
  • U-Blox Neo-6m GPS Module
  • SIM800L GSM / GPRS Module
  • EM18 / MFRC522 RFID Tag Reader Modules
  • PN532 NFC Tag Reader Modules
  • SX1278 LoRaWAN Pair Modules
  • RF433 MHz ASK / OOK Radio Frequency Modules
  • Zigbee – S1 & Zigbee – S2C Pair Modules
Internet Of Things:
  • Introduction to IoT & its association with Embedded Systems
  • Theory, Working Mechanism, Challenges & Benefits of IoT
  • Study of various IoT Protocols – MQTT, CoAP, HTTPS, GATT
  • Programming ESP8266 Node-MCU using Arduino
  • Programming ESP32 using ESP-IDF & RTOS based API's
  • Uploading Sensor Data to various cloud platforms
  • Internet based Device Control Applications
  • IoT using Google Firebase and IFTTT
  • IoT Data Monitoring by creating Customized Webpages
  • IoT using Node RED & Mosquitto Broker for MQTT
  • Introduction to Amazon Web Service (AWS-IoT)
  • Usage of AWS Command Line Interface (AWS-CLI) & AWS IoT Core
  • Creating & Installing Certificates, Keys, Permissions, Rules & Policies in AWS
  • AWS Services 1 – SNS, S3 Bucket, Dynamo-DB, Kinesis Firehose, Quick-Sight
  • AWS Services 2 – Lambda, Device Shadow, Timestream, Grafana Visualization
  • AWS IoT Analytics & Basics of AWS-FreeRTOS for ESP32
Sl. No. Course Name Course Delivery Course Fee (GST Included)
1 Summer / Crash Course in Embedded Firmware on-line as well as class-room Rs. 5000 /- per student
2 Diploma in Embedded Firmware on-line as well as class-room One-time Payment- Rs.30,000/- OR
Two instalments Rs. 36,000/- (18,000/- +18,000/-)
One week trial class- Rs- 1,000/-*
3 Diploma in Embedded Firmware & Embedded Linux on-line as well as class-room One-time Payment- Rs. 50,000/- OR
Two instalments- Rs. 54,000/- (27,000/- + 27,000/-)
One week trial class- Rs- 1,000/-*
4 Diploma in Embedded Systems and Internet of Things (IoT)
on-line as well as class-room One-time Payment- Rs 60,000/- OR
Two instalments Rs. 66,000/- (33,000/- + 33,000/-)
One week trial class- Rs- 1,000/- *
* Non refundable but adjustable from course fee.