From the Director's Desk

From the Director's Desk

Dear Candidates,

Today, life in this world is literally unimaginable without electronic devices and gadgets. For almost all the time in our lives we are surrounded by a multitude of electronic devices; be it home appliances like TV, refrigerator, induction cookers, microwaves, washing machines, etc or commercial devices like printers, scanners, xerox machines, fax machines, desktops, etc or industrial equipment like control systems of motors and generators, conveyor belts and feeders, data acquisition and measurement systems, etc. All of these above-mentioned equipment or devices use embedded systems programming, electronic components and PCB designing which may also include wireless connectivity or interaction with the internet and much more. With advances in modern technology, electronic devices are becoming automatic and more compact in nature for the soul purpose of reducing human effort while increasing productivity and ease of use.

For the above reasons, embedded system is an extremely powerful field in the domain of electronics engineering and as a result many companies are entering into to this field in India in a big way under the Make-In-India initiative. Furthermore, the integration of embedded systems with other fields like Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence has made this field at least 20 times more powerful and modern than it used to be.

The very fact that devices could be controlled and monitored via the internet along with data storage, analysis and handling using cloud services or the fact that devices can think like humans and have self-intuitiveness are some of the greatest milestones in technology. As a result, job opportunities in this sector is registering rapid increase and equipped with proper skills, students in this field, have an excellent opportunity to have a shining career in this domain with a handsome compensation and professional satisfaction with a sense of pride and prestige. Even students who have lesser knowledge and experience can explore this domain in order to boost their creativity by working on innovative projects and doing research on existing and emerging technologies.

So, my dear candidates, if you are in the dilemma as to "whether you have made the right choice or not by choosing the field of electronics and embedded systems", then I would say "Your choice could not have been better". Electronics and embedded systems practically drive the modern world completely. Although it’s a tough field and requires tonnes of patience and struggle, I would suggest that you do not give up on it because you can be assured that the fruits will be as sweet as they could ever be. It's a path less trodden upon, but if you don't dread the steep and fatiguing climbs of this path, then you most definitely will scale the luminous heights of this field and be a cut above the rest. Your journey on this path will begin with basic knowledge of C programming along with fundamentals of analog and digital electronics and "Shivaz MKTech Pvt. Ltd." is the apt choice for you to begin your journey on this path.

Finally, I conclude by saying that:

"The beginners of today are the experts of tomorrow"; "The freshers of today are the professionals of tomorrow"; "The future, my dear candidates, is all yours".

Manaskant Mishra

Founder, Lead Instructor and Managing Director
Shivaz MKTech Pvt. Ltd.